Meeting of the results - 2022
During the meeting, We awarded to the best employees and researchers who have achieved a lot of success and work in 2022. In addition, We gave cash incentives to the employees for their hard work and creation value together. Happy new year to all the employees of SICA who contribute to the preparation of a DATA LITERATE NATION and work hard everyday.
2022.12.28 00:00
Final Evaluation of the Partnership for Organic Agriculture Project 2022
SCOPE: Ulaanbaatar and Selenge Province, MongoliaDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Sample survey and qualitative researchSAMPLE SIZE: n=253TIME PERIOD: 2022.11.08 – 2022.12.28GOAL: This research work was carried out to evaluate the project objectives of the "Partnership for Organic Agriculture" project.MAIN FINDINGS: As a result of the "Partnership for Organic Agriculture" project, a structure and mechanism were created to discuss and resolve the necessary issues aimed at strengthening organic agriculture within the framework of multi-faceted partnerships established at the local and national levels. In addition, 30 cooperatives have successfully created the necessary infrastructure to improve production, increase the variety of products and stabilize them. Through the development of multi-stakeholder partnerships and value chains, 30 cooperatives have gained access to local and regional markets and improved the livelihoods of cooperative members.
2022.12.28 00:00
Traffic conditions and travel speed survey
SCOPE: Ulaanbaatar cityDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Census research and observation researchSAMPLE SIZE: 17 Central JunctionTIME PERIOD: 2022.09.02 – 2022.12.23GOAL: The purpose of the survey is to confirm the changes in the traffic conditions after improving the operating mode of the traffic lights adjusted to the traffic load, considering the traffic intensity, congestion, length of the congestion for each type of vehicle and direction of travel, and the number of vehicles entering on a green light at the main intersections of the city center of UB.MAIN FINDINGS: The purpose of this study is to collect basic information related to traffic conditions and provide quantitative information to the customer.
2022.12.23 00:00
Consulting services for monitoring and evaluation of human rights situations in pre-school education, general education, vocational and technical education sectors.
SCOPE: MongoliaDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Quantitative research, qualitative research, observational research, documentation, statistical data analysis, and secondary researchSAMPLE SIZE: n= 2,625TIME PERIOD: 2022.11.02 – 2022.12.22GOAL: Monitoring and evaluation of activities of pre-school education, general education, vocational and technical education institutions selected as the sample, according to the 4A of human rights: "Adequacy, Accessibility, Acceptability, and Adaptability" and developing conclusions and recommendations.MAIN FINDINGS: This study is the first to examine the human rights situation in the education sector, and the following key findings emerged. It includes: The implementation of the general requirements for the external and internal environment and activities of preschools, general education schools, vocational education and training institutions differ depending on the location and ownership of the educational institution. The provision of learning resources and materials is more lacking in state-owned educational institutions, and it is common for teachers and staff to solve the problem with personal expenses and donations and help from students' families. Access to extracurricular activities in vocational education and training institutions and state-owned general education schools is insufficient. About 50% of students of general education schools and about 20% of vocational education and training institutions participate in voluntary clubs and extracurricular activities in their fields of interest. Participation of children with disabilities in extracurricular activities is low. The right to participate in social life, make suggestions, request and decide on other issues related to their learning and development process, school and educational activities is not provided equally for every child. Although educational institutions are carrying out and implementing certain activities in the field of improving the legal framework for children's rights and protection, such as developing relevant policies, programs, and action plans, the results are varied, so there is a need to provide unified guidelines, methods, instructions, and recommendations. There are a lot of child protection problems such as discrimination, harassment, bullying, harmful habits, and addiction disorders in schools and kindergartens. There are common problems such as discrimination based on parents and families’ conditions and the children’s dependence on screens in kindergartens, and peer bullying, bad habits, school dropouts in schools and crimes, violations, bad habits and child labor in vocational education institutions.
2022.12.22 00:00
Market research of Mongolian perfumes and cosmetics market
SCOPE: MongoliaDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Quantitative research, secondary research, census research and price researchSAMPLE SIZE: n=384TIME PERIOD: 2022.11.21 – 2022.12.22GOAL: To study the market of perfumes and cosmetics in Mongolia, to carry out consumer research, to study the social, economic, banking, and legal environment of Mongolia.MAIN FINDINGS: This study is unique in that it was commissioned by a Russian business organization, and the study fully developed basic information necessary for starting a new business in the perfume and cosmetics industry in Mongolia. Quantitative research showed that Mongolians like Korean skin care and make-up products and French and Italian perfumes, which indicated that the influence of Korean culture is strong in this field as well. A general conclusion has been reached that the industry market will grow in the coming years due to the fact that people's interest in skin care and make-up and the habit of paying attention to their beauty are increasing day by day. The research team gave relevant conclusions and recommendations to the client based on all the research data.
2022.12.22 00:00
Research on tourism in South Korea
SCOPE: 6 central districts of Ulaanbaatar cityDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Quantitative researchSAMPLE SIZE: n=600TIME PERIOD: 2022.11.09 – 2022.12.16GOAL: The purpose of this research is to study people's interest in traveling to South Korea, their opinions about travel products aimed at the country, to determine the sources of information, as well as to measure the satisfaction of people who have traveled to Korea.MAIN FINDINGS: The main criterion of this research was to select people who had traveled in the last 5 years, had an income of more than 2.2 million MNT and were over 20 years old. According to the survey, the majority of citizens travel to South Korea on their own, and mostly people over 40 years of age travel on group trips. It was also found that one citizen spends an average of 8.6 million MNT on a trip to South Korea, and group travel costs 2.3 million MNT less than traveling alone. According to the research, the planned travel period of Mongolians is usually the 1st and 3rd season.
2022.12.16 00:00
We presented a project report.
The presentation of the research project report on the evaluation of private sector health institutions and resources for Tuberculosis care was made. The main purpose of this project was increase and cooperation the participation of private sector health institutions in improving the quality and availability of Tuberculosis care and services. Presented this report to more than 20 people including Tuberculosis Surveillance and Research Unit, tuberculosis dispensary in each district, Department of Health, Association of Private Healthcare Organizations and doctors, staff of APHO who involved in the research.
2022.12.09 00:00
Research on the business environment of young entrepreneurs in Central Asian countries and Mongolia
SCOPE: Mongolia, The Kyrgyz Republic, The Republic of Kazakhstan, The Republic of Uzbekistan, The Republic of TajikistanDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Qualitative researchSAMPLE SIZE: n=12TIME PERIOD: 2022.10.19 – 2022.12.02GOAL: The purpose of this study is to determine how financial services can be strengthened to better serve the needs and expectations of young entrepreneurs.MAIN FINDINGS: This study was conducted in 5 Central Asian countries and Mongolia and included young business owners or management level officials in small, medium, and large companies. In this study, the following issues were identified. On doing business, To study the behavior, motivation and difficulties of a business, Management styles, types of management and the current level of digital technology (present and future conditions), Clarifying and confirming the conditions of banking, credit and financial services, To study the needs and requirements of financial products and services and non-financial products and services related to banking, Identify financial goods/products of interest.
2022.12.08 00:00
Research to determine the needs of professional sports organizations
SCOPE: MongoliaDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Quantitative research, qualitative research, and secondary researchSAMPLE SIZE: n=120TIME PERIOD: 2022.10.14 – 2022.12.02GOAL: Determine the current availability of sports facilities, training camp quality standards and other needs and requirements from public and private sports organizations and national team athletes operating in Mongolia, study the international experience related to sports complexes, and the competitiveness and prospective activities of the sports complex currently being built.MAIN FINDINGS: In this study, the needs of Mongolia's professional sports organizations and athletes, international best practices, and domestic competitors' data were processed. According to the results of the research, athletes' training is active in April-June and August-October, and most of the professional athletes are training 6 times a week. Athletes are least satisfied with the ice machines, clothes washing services, sports canteens, car parking and psychological services. Furthermore, financial and training facilities problems are the most common problems for athletes to continue training regularly and effectively.
2022.12.02 00:00