Ger district residents opinion poll
SCOPE: 9 districts of Ulaanbaatar cityDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Quantitative researchSAMPLE SIZE: n=1,000TIME PERIOD: 2022.07.21 – 2022.8.31GOAL: It is to evaluate the opinions and attitudes of citizens regarding the development of Oyu Tolgoi in Mongolia and foreign investment. In particular, the opinions and attitudes of citizens living in the ger district in Ulaanbaatar city have been investigated.MAIN FINDINGS: 1000 citizens living in the ger district of 9 districts of Ulaanbaatar city were included in the sample survey and data collection was carried out.
2022.08.31 00:00
Development Plan and Baseline Study (BGD)
SCOPE: Ulaanbaatar city, Bayangol districtDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Quantitative research and qualitative researchSAMPLE SIZE: n=2,500TIME PERIOD: 2022.06.06 – 2022.08.06GOAL: To develop "Bayangol District Development Program-2030" and to carry out baseline study and document analysis required for it.MAIN FINDINGS: Within the scope of baseline study tasks, quantitative and qualitative data were collected, processed, and analyzed, and a report was developed. Based on the results of baseline study, medium-term development policy document, "Bayangol District Development Program-2030", was developed. In this context the following works were carried out:Determined the coherence of the development policy documents in force in Mongolia, Analyzed and compared statistical data of social and economic sectors of the district,Organized sample surveys, individual interviews and focus group discussions to determine future development trends, needs, and problems of the district residents and businesses, and processed the results;Within the scope of document analysis, research on international development experiences was completed.
2022.08.06 00:00
The sixteenth or 2021 Mongolia’s extractive industries transparency initiatives reconciliation report summary
SCOPE: MongoliaDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Secondary researchTIME PERIOD: 2022.04.28 – 2022.07.28GOAL: The purpose of this consulting service is to develop the sixteenth or 2021 Mongolia EITI reconciliation report summary with recommendations to improve transparency in accordance with the standards of EITI, to evaluate the comprehensive coverage and truthfulness of disclosed information, and to improve the management of government information systems and natural resources.MAIN FINDINGS: The requirements have been added to the Standard based on the conclusion of previous experts who conducted the validation that the implementation of the requirements of the EITI is not clear for the SOEs. According to the standard, a multistakeholder group should make and document efforts to improve gender balance and social participation, hence we included gender data in the mineral resources workforce data and showed the extent of women's participation in the mineral resources sector. In addition, since environmental issues are an important part of natural resource management, the results of monitoring and evaluation of environmental impacts of the mining industry are included in the report.
2022.07.28 00:00
Customer satisfaction survey
SCOPE: MongoliaDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Quantitative researchSAMPLE SIZE: n=96TIME PERIOD: 2021.07.26 – 2022.07.26GOAL: Customer satisfaction is evaluated monthly for each service received, and the survey is translated into English and registered in the survey database.MAIN FINDINGS: A trained operator (enumerator) collected data from the target employee according to a pre-designed questionnaire. Data collection for the study was done through telephone interviewing (CATI). The project manager responsible for the research has translated it and entered it into the system. This survey evaluated the satisfaction of 8 customers every month and in total 96 customers, multiple counts, throughout the year. We have created a standard server room to protect the data of the CATI center. Servers, databases, and computers where information is stored are fully protected from risks such as natural disasters, power outages, and theft. Policies, technologies, and procedures to ensure information security are implemented in our operations.
2022.07.26 00:00
Survey of satisfaction with regulatory activities of licensed communications service providers
SCOPE: MongoliaDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Sample survey and qualitative researchSAMPLE SIZE: n= 391TIME PERIOD: 2022.05.02 – 2022.07.02GOAL: The aim of the research is to clarify, evaluate and conclude how satisfied the licensees are with the current situation of regulation of communications industry, the factors affecting it, its effects, the problems faced, and the problems related to demand, and suggestions on how to improve the activities in the future.MAIN FINDINGS: Customer satisfaction will be evaluated on a scale of 1-5, and the closer to 5, the higher the satisfaction. About 50 indicators of 4 sub-groups, such as indicators related to special licenses, indicators related to CRC activities, indicators related to telecommunications industry policies and regulations, and indicators related to each type of special license, were determined in detail and related analyzes were performed.
2022.07.02 00:00
Activities to assess the participation and resources of private sector health facilities in tuberculosis care.
SCOPE: Ulaanbaatar city, and Darkhan-Uul, Orkhon and Dornogovi provincesDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Quantitative researchSAMPLE SIZE: n=36TIME PERIOD: 2022.05.29 – 2022.06.30GOAL: The purpose of this study is to increase the participation of private health institutions and expand cooperation in improving the quality and availability of TB care and services.MAIN FINDINGS: The research was carried out to assess the current situation of private health care institutions participating in tuberculosis care, and to assess the interests and resources of private health care institutions. Moreover, we made a policy plan to improve coordination and cooperation between public and private sector health organizations. At present, only half of private health care institutions are performing primary TB diagnosis (screening of suspected cases), which indicated insufficient involvement of private health institutions in TB activities. Funding for tuberculosis is included in the health insurance fund, but the lack of interest in the diagnosis of tuberculosis by the private health institutions is due to the lack of human resources, lack of equipment, interest in providing care and services only in their specialized fields, and the problem of obtaining funding.
2022.06.30 00:00
Research on improving the legal framework of government organizations’ documents
SCOPE: Ulaanbaatar cityDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Qualitative researchSAMPLE SIZE: n=13TIME PERIOD: 2021.12.22 – 2022.06.30GOAL: In order to improve the legal framework of the organization's documents, we conducted a survey to determine the situation and develop relevant procedures and recommendations based on the results of the survey.MAIN FINDINGS: Within the scope of this research, a qualitative and documentary study was conducted to identify the internal structure of the commissioning organization, the current situation of record keeping, problems and needs in record keeping activities. Based on the results of the research, suggestions and procedures were developed to improve the organization's future record keeping environment, and training and promotion work was organized for relevant employees.
2022.06.30 00:00
A memorandum of cooperation was signed with the Business Academy at the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Within the framework of this cooperation, the "1000 RESEARCHERS" program will be implemented and training will be organized, with the aim of making the public aware of research methods and skills, and contributing to the creation of a data literate nation. We will deliver methodological knowledge and information of all stages of research and analysis systematically in the simplest way, making a real contribution to become a “Data Literate Nation”.
2022.06.28 19:51
Impact analysis of policy and program documents approved in the field of food, agriculture, and light industry
SCOPE: Tuv, Dornod, and Khovd provinces, MongoliaDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Sample survey, qualitative research, secondary researchSAMPLE SIZE: n= 1,552TIME PERIOD: 2022.04.28 – 2022.06.28GOAL: The main objective of this consultancy is to evaluate and determine the results of the implementation of the activities in the framework of the "approved policies and programs in the field of food, agriculture, and light industry", and customer satisfaction level with the work and services provided by the MOFALI and local governments to citizens and development of recommendations, and refine the planning of policy documents based on research results and identify the needs of stakeholders.MAIN FINDINGS: When evaluating the effectiveness of the policy document, the methodology included in Appendix 8 of "Common Procedures for Monitoring and Evaluation of Policy Document Implementation and Activities of Administrative Organizations" was used. The impact of the implementation of the development policy document on economic development and administrative activities, the impact on social development, and the impact on legislation and the legal system were evaluated in detail.
2022.06.28 00:00