Zuunkharaa Local Program Closing Evaluation 2003-2021
SCOPE: Target areas of the project or Kherkh bagh, Tunkhel town, Nomgon town, Mandal soum, Saikhan soum, Selenge provinceDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Qualitative researchSAMPLE SIZE: A total of 60 participants, including children, citizens, representatives of local authorities form target areas, and specialists in charge of the project and program of the World Vision Mongolia International Organization, were included in the qualitative research.TIME PERIOD: 2022.03.11 – 2022.05.31GOAL: The purpose of the closing evaluation of Zuunkharaa local program is to study the effects of the activities and projects implemented on the local people’s livelihoods within the framework of the program in the 18-year period, and develop conclusions and recommendations based on the theory of change.MAIN FINDINGS: The following objectives were met within the scope of the research work. Studying the planned and unplanned changes that have occurred at the local level since the implementation of the program based on the well-being of citizens and households, To study the capacity and cooperation of citizens and localities to continue the projects and activities that have been effectively implemented during the program period and can be continued in the future, During the implementation of the program, the extent which local citizens, representatives of government organizations, and civil society organizations have learned management and skills in other fields from World Vision Mongolia International Organization, To investigate whether cooperating organizations and participants have determined the areas of further cooperation to ensure the well-being of children and local communities. A combination of primary and secondary research methods were used to perform the closing evaluation of “Zuunkharaa Local Program”. In this study, while using the internationally accepted method of project evaluation, the evaluation of the project was carried out based on the "Theory of Change".
2022.05.31 00:00
Real Estate Brokerage Standards Implementation Survey – 1, 2
SCOPE: Mongolia, UlaanbaatarDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Mystery shopping studySAMPLE SIZE: n=60TIME PERIOD: 2022.04.25 – 2022.05.25 and 2022.12.06 – 2022.12.26GOAL: This study aims to determine whether real estate agents are able to follow their internal standard rules and provide full service to customers, whether the ethical norms are followed by giving priority to the interests of the organization over personal interests and to determine whether agents can work with integrity and build trust in one direction with one policy standard.MAIN FINDINGS: Research data collection was conducted by a trained secret shopper (enumerator) based on a pre-designed assessment of the target employee using the mystery shopping method. The mystery shopper observed and rated on each item on approved evaluation sheet on the employee.
2022.05.25 00:00
Customer satisfaction survey of “Darkhan-Us suvag” JSC
SCOPE: Darkhan-Uul provinceDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Sample survey and qualitative researchSAMPLE SIZE: n= 555TIME PERIOD: 2022.04.12 – 2022.05.20GOAL: The aim is to survey citizens' opinions about the quality and accessibility of the services of "Darhan-Us suvag" JSC, provide external evaluation, and develop suggestions and recommendations for further improvement of operations.MAIN FINDINGS : Satisfaction level was calculated in detail by 33 sub-indicators of the total 7 main indicators related to service quality, availability, environment, information distribution, transparency, management, organization, and staff providing services. Analysis of GAP and satisfaction management factors was carried out, and suggestions and recommendations were developed based on the research results.
2022.05.20 00:00
We will cooperate with the School of Economics and Business of the MULS to provide internship opportunities for students.SICA LLC participated in the annual "Career Day-2022", an open day for graduating students, and signed a memorandum of cooperation. Our company is strengthening cooperation with major universities in Mongolia, conducting joint research and implementing multifaceted programs to support students.
2022.05.04 19:57
Mining machinery and equipment import market research - 2022
SCOPE: MongoliaDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Secondary researchTIME PERIOD: 2022.02.18 – 2022.04.20GOAL: The main purpose of this market research is to study the current situation of Mongolia's mining industry, the import market of mining machinery and equipment, and to analyze the information on machinery and equipment currently used in the industry.MAIN FINDINGS: It is necessary and important for any business to determine their resources and make decisions by studying the market. This research has become significant research for heavy machinery and equipment sales and rental service providers and consumer organizations to get a wide range of information at a low price. To briefly summarize the main findings of the research, in the last 3 years, due to many unpredictable events in global economic growth and policy planning, our country's economic indicators such as GDP, mining industry income, and foreign trade have increased until 2019, maintaining their growth of many years. In 2020, due to the impact of the epidemic, it decreased, and in 2021, it increased again. In 2021, a total of 1.4 trillion MNT of mining machinery and equipment was imported, which increased by 48.5 percent from 2020, but decreased by 20.7 percent from 2019. A total of about 450 individuals and enterprises traded about 12,000 machines and equipment of about 90 brands with 37 countries.
2022.04.20 00:00
Data center feasibility study development consulting service
SCOPE: Umnugovi province, MongoliaDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Qualitative research and secondary researchSAMPLE SIZE: 20 Key informant interviewsTIME PERIOD: 2021.12.09 – 2022.04.01GOAL: The main goal of the consulting service is to incorporate innovation into the government and business activities currently engaged in the information and communication sector in Umnugovi province, increase competitiveness, and then create the prerequisites for the development of new industries and services in the future.MAIN FINDINGS: The consulting team analyzed the current situation of the information technology industry, future trends, project environment, technology research, technology selection, data center legal framework, market research, data center planning, construction planning, data center management and administration and conducted investment calculation, economic benefit analysis, and determined ways to reduce the impact on the environment. Within the scope of the project, the planning was carried out based on the resources and needs of the province.
2022.04.01 00:00
Customer satisfaction survey
SCOPE: MongoliaDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Quantitative researchSAMPLE SIZE: n=360TIME PERIOD: 2021.04.01 – 2022.04.01GOAL: Customer satisfaction is evaluated monthly for each service received, and the survey is translated into English and recorded in the database.MAIN FINDINGS: A trained operator (enumerator) collected data from the target employee according to a pre-designed questionnaire. Data collection for the study was done through telephone interviewing (CATI). The project manager responsible for the research has translated it and entered it into the system. This survey evaluated the satisfaction of 30 customers every month and in total 360 customers, multiple counts, throughout the year. We have created a standard server room to protect the data of the CATI center. Servers, databases, and computers where information is stored are fully protected from risks such as natural disasters, power outages, and theft. Policies, technologies, and procedures to ensure information security are implemented in our operations.
2022.04.01 00:00
Introduction of Mongolia
SCOPE: MongoliaDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Secondary researchTIME PERIOD: 2022.03.15 – 2022.03.29GOAL: The main purpose of this study is to prepare comprehensive social and economic information of Mongolia in Mongolian and Russian languages in order to improve the economic circulation and cooperation of Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan.MAIN FINDINGS: Not only foreign users, but every citizen of Mongolia can use this research, Introduction of Mongolia, to get comprehensive information and use it as a source for any work. The research report includes a wide range of information, starting from location, weather, governance, political historical bureau, population, education, culture, sports, health, transportation, national budget, foreign trade, economic data, scenic spots, and national cuisine. Please see the full research report at
2022.03.29 20:08
Introduction of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
SCOPE: MongoliaDATA COLLECTION METHOD: Secondary researchTIME PERIOD: 2022.03.10 – 2022.03.29GOAL: The main purpose of this study is to prepare a comprehensive report including all social and economic information of Kyrgyzstan such as population, culture, education, health, public facilities, foreign trade, and GDP to improve the economic circulation of Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan and provide information for anyone who wants to expand business from Mongolia to Kyrgyzstan or to start a business in Kyrgyzstan.MAIN FINDINGS: SICA LLC conducted general research in Mongolian language for anyone who wants to start a business or expand its markets to Kyrgyzstan and uploaded it to the platform for free public use. Kyrgyzstan is a landlocked country in Central Asia, like Mongolia, bordering Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and China. With a total population of 6.6 million, it is ranked 110th in the world, politically unstable, and there are strong civil struggles. This research report not only carries out basic research about the country, but also includes a SWOT analysis of the country and a comparison of some economic indicators of Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan. Please see the full research report at
2022.03.29 00:00